
Fhotoroom for Windows 8 updated, adds support for RAW files

Fhotoroom is a popular Windows Phone photo editing app that is also available over on the Windows 8/RT platform. That version was recently updated to version 1.iv that offers a few new editing tools and RAW image file support.

For those not familiar, RAW image files are basically unprocessed .JPEG files. Many prefer to shoot in RAW format to do the image processing themselves (exposure, contrast, saturation, color temperature, etc.) before converting the image to .JPEG equally opposed to let the in-camera processing to handle the task. Each camera manufacturer crates it's own RAW format specific to each camera model.  Retrieve of a RAW file as a digital negative that needs to be developed.

Version 1.4 of Fhotoroom supports over 150 RAW file formats from camera manufacturers such as Catechism, Olympus, Nikon, Kodak, Pentax, Sony and Panasonic. While this is a huge feature, the downside is that Fhotoroom automatically processes the RAW file, eliminating the entreatment in using the format.

Along with the RAW support, the updated version adds a few bug fixes and the following features to the mix.

  • ColorSplash Threshold option added
  • Highlight and Shadows selection added
  • 5x7 and 7x5 crop sizes added
  • Disengage, Redo and Original controls added

The update adds some nice functionality and features to Fhotoroom. I would have liked to take seen more command in the RAW file conversion but until we encounter something along the lines of Adobe Photoshop coming to the Windows RT loonshit, Fhotoroom will come in handy for processing RAW files while on the go.

Fhotoroom is a free app for your Windows 8/RT device that you tin find here at the Windows 8 Store. Fhotoroom for your Windows Phone is also free and tin be plant here at the Windows Telephone Store.

QR: Fhotoroom for Windows 8/RTQR: Fhotoroom for Windows Phone

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